Thursday, October 23, 2008

*deep breath*

Thanks for listening to me rant, girls - on AIM or on the phone (and here of course). It helps to get it all out. I feel loads better :)

Claire and I went to the rec center tonight and now I'm in the laundry lounge about to begin my online French homework that will be due on Sunday at 12, but no way am I going to do it when my bus gets back at 11pm, so it's now or never. Working out made me feel way better, and I cleaned my room up before I left to work out and now I'm getting laundry done so I'm being all productive and that really helps improve my mood. (Plus I have peanut m&ms. Hell yeah.)

I'm letting go of my dad-frustrations and will worry about it later. For now, I'll just be excited - tomorrow night at this time I'll have 5 hours of megabus behind me and one to go!!!!!!

So close...

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