Well hell, that was such a weird vivid dream. (I totally slept in my contacts too so when I opened my eyes and was able to see it was very disorienting.)
Anyway, first my dad was dropping me off for a canoe trip which would be including my mom, Aunt Monica, Baylen, and other family members. For some reason I had totally forgotten to pack. So I did not have extra contacts or pajamas or sunscreen or I think even a swimsuit or anything, I forget. Anyway, apparently the spot we were at to launch our boats was where we had launched them last year (my dad and I had shared a canoe I think) and it was really really difficult and narrow and fast, and he kept demanding that we launch them across this little inlet where there was sand, yet for some reason we'd have to swim over dragging the canoes instead of just start canoeing. I really wanted to go the hard way (my dad wasn't coming this time; Baylen and I were going to be in the same canoe) because I knew we could do it and you know me, I always pick the more challenging way to do something. I learned how to steer a canoe last summer (Katy taught me at the cottage!!) and I wanted to go for it. Baylen was not being his usual controlling self and said he'd let me sit in the back/steer sometimes if I wanted to. @_@ Anyway we did end up swimming for that other isle thing, I don't know why. I almost got stuck in these really weird weed things growing from the bottom, they were wrapping themselves around my arms and legs and I accidentally held onto someone else and they started going down, so I let go and almost got pulled to the bottom, which was way deeper than it should have been. Anyway. I was really good at steering. (My mom wasn't at all, I had to teach her -- for some reason she and I were sharing a canoe at one point) Then somehow we were canoeing past these huge castle like structures. So naturally everyone else disappears and Baylen and I go to investigate. (Somehow I am able to magically carry our canoe all by myself.) So we are climbing around these sandstone castles and towers and bridges. There's some sinister feeling like someone is following or watching from down below. Anyway.
Then it switched to me heading back to Shao Lin, but it wasn't actually Shao Lin and only Jules and Mitch and then random unknown people were there (wtf). And I was realizing with horror that I wasn't getting that thrilled-overwhelmed-with-love-and-crazy-excitement feeling to be back this time. Then all of the sudden I was getting out of a huge white truck (Dustin's? But he wasn't there?) on some red dirt road at some house in the middle of nowhere, which was apparently the Moraines', but Morgen didn't show up til later. Anyway the next part is hard to remember but suddenly I was just an observer, I wasn't actually there - I was still at the canoe trip. And two guys were looking for me? or something? I don't exactly remember what was going on next, but a Ben/Dustin-type-person (who wasn't quite them but was like them? he was my real brother in the dream anyway, and both of them are eligible) wouldn't help them find me. And this brother was a really good fighter, but they couldn't be beat. (all of a sudden I was seeing the dream from his vantage point, running, hiding then ambushing, being all acrobatic and climbing away -- and one of them was always right there; the other one stood outside by the door and the white truck/red dirt road) The guy after "me"/my brother was too big, my attacks weren't fazing him at all. I was caught in a net at one point - escaped somehow - still couldn't take him down. I even made it up the wall by climbing up some flags or something, and then made it to the second floor (he was already there) and then through some weird secret door which turned out to be a door to the outside of the house; I made my way along this ledge outside, planning on coming around to the front door to take out the one guy there, and then come in the house behind the other guy...I look down and he is beneath me, looking up. Gaaaah! I get down there and fight him again, and basically get the shit beat out of me (thank god you don't feel pain in dreams, right?) and finally I have had enough. Somehow I decide I have to stop (I can't beat him or affect him at all!!) and he takes "me" away (except now I'm not seeing it from his perspective anymore, I'm observing) and who knows where they were going to take me; they wanted me (as in me me, not me being my brother) and thought they could get to me through him, I'm guessing. (haha, firefly? :P) What's interesting is that I/brother didn't actually get hurt. I was not bruised or broken or bloody or anything when I finally stopped fighting. I also never actually dreamed through getting totally crushed, I just knew it happened. Huh.
THEN Morgen appears from somewhere and runs all distraught to the white truck, by which she somehow knows what has happened. Somehow I am there now (but still back on the canoe trip simultaneously, wtf) and we know we HAVE to get to wherever it is we're canoeing and warn me. (how twisted does this get)
unfortunately I start to forget it all/start waking up around this point, but Morgen was taking the truck to go find me, and somehow I was telepathically picking up that distress signal (now as me back on the canoe trip) because Baylen and I were still exploring these castle buildings that were just in the middle of the waterway. So then everyone heads back to the giant river and I get to do some fancy steering around buildings as we're trying to "get away" and then I just kept waking up and couldn't fall asleep anymore. :(
It certainly was interesting, though.