Friday, December 19, 2008

(sn) ooooowww!

Graah! So much snow! I love it but it does tend to interfere with my plans...especially when I do not have my own car. My mom doesn't want me taking hers to Shao Lin tonight...I'm sure my dad won't want to either...and I'm supposed to meet Morgen there and then have her come back with me. And then go again tomorrow morning. :P I am so sore from Wednesday night and from shoveling this morning... and I bruised my index finger today too, I hit the main knuckle against the table really hard. (ow.)

I totally just saw my mom pretend her camry was a champion winter vehicle and reverse through the snow the plow piled at the end of our driveway, bahaha. I'm glad she made it though or I would've needed to go out there and shovel her out... (I like that she can go to work but I can't go to Shao Lin because "I know you're a good snow driver but I'm worried someone might hit you.") Yes I understand why she would think work warrants a car and Shao Lin doesn't, but it's going to be closed for the next two weeks and I really want to go while I can! Plus think how awesome I would feel if I'm already this sore from Wednesday and then went tonight and tomorrow morning too. It would be sweet.

Picture update:

<--Where I sleep now

~~~Look how perfectly the snow fell on the balcony railing!

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