Sunday, April 5, 2009

"lazy sunday,

...wake up in the late afternooooon..."*

hey girls. I decided to blog here instead of reading this painful book for anthropology. I have been so unmotivated to do homework lately, it is not even funny. I'm kind of impatient with everything lately, really. Oh well. I'm meeting with my adviser soon to discuss my schedule for next year. Hopefully if everything works out I'll have some classes for fall semester that are more challenging and interesting. I think that'd help.

I went to a cardio boxing class with Nicole and Claire on Friday! It was super fun. I could hardly breathe about 20 minutes into the hour+ class. :D

Besides that, nothing much is going on. It snowed last night but it's kind of sunny and slightly warm this morning, so most of it is melting. We're watching a lot of movies and episodes of Criminal Minds; I've ordered a few awesome movies for cheap from amazon (one for my dad's birthday coming up)...I'm spending too much money though. Ugh. I need a job.

Oh, and the cafe I'm posting from (I refrained from buying anything this time though!! be proud!) is playing music that reminds me of Amelie. So that helps a bit.

Hope you both are doing well. :)

*bonus points if you know what this is from.

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