Monday, December 15, 2008

Lazy Day

Well I was going to be productive today...But then I woke up this morning and for some reason the house is 60.... and while that isnt that cold when you are outside it is rather cold as a temperature for your house. I managed to make myself exercise this morning but now post shower i think i shall stay in bed until the house gets a bit warmer. So much for a productive day.


simone said...

60 is cold for a house (we always used to turn our heat off at night at my old house). Also, you exercised this morning? What do you do at home with that whole lack-of-gym thing?

Plus you have all day to be productive. :)

oh and by the way, my mom will be home on Tuesday when we go over there, she's working at home/via phone and that's why she can't come get me. But I think she's leaving at 230 so we'll have the house to ourselves. :)

Anonymous said...

It's 58 now... our heater broke. So productivity will definitely not be happening.

We have an elliptical in the living room... which is definitely nice.

Sounds good for tuesday :)