Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Awkwardly Honest = Friends?

In the last weekend-beginning of this week I have had two awkwardly honest conversations about my social life. Both times the two people have been wonderfully nice about it and offered to be my people. I'm just hoping it actually goes some where. I'm chilling with both of them Friday and I really hope that will just be the first of many.

So this leaves me wondering.... is an awkward degree of openness required to start a friendship?


simone said...

Required? Nah.

One way to do it? Looks like it!

good for you :)

Katie said...

Most of the closest friends I have, including Reid, are because of terribly awkward, don'tgiveashitabouttheconsequences, completely tactless conversations. Like "So, what do you believe about religion and sex and drugs/alcohol?" It's great.

I'm glad! I hope it works out.