Wednesday, January 21, 2009

that's awfully needy

The frustration streak continues!!

Also, I have no idea how this works, but I ended up eating just dinner at 430 today (and some dry cheerios in a box/half an apple in the morning), but I am having an 'I do not feel cute or little in the slightest' day today. I feel crazy self-critical and squishy and out of shape. (It's tough going from a shaolin workout 4 out of 7 days a week - now it's been 4 days without one.) And, cultural anthropology is three hours too long and on the other side of the Mississippi, and there's a girl in Chinese discussion who has a constantly scornful expression on her face and likes to shoot it at me, and I have no motivation to accomplish things I actually need to do, like work out a ton, contact my astronomy TA about not being there for the first lab on Monday, or make a resume so I can start applying for jobs.

I need motivation...I need to work out...I need a job...I need my books to come in the mail...I need people to talk to so I can complain. :-/

At least socially it's fun to be back. I <3 Katrina and Holly and Claire, and Claire and I watched 3 gossip girl episodes in a row yesterday and had some great girl talk as well. Which is always good.

But, gah. This is overall not a happy-simone couple of days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, this message is for Simone. I was messin around looking in my profile and click on the title of one of "my favorite books" and it came up with a list of people who also had that favorite book (American Shaolin) and you were one of them, so I clicked your name, and wanted to suggest to you that you take a look at Iron & Silk by Mark salzman. It is very similar to American Shaolin, and is actually mention as an inspiration in it if I remember correctly. Also, I was interested in your blog, Taoist Tea Leaves. Wasnt able to look at it for some reason, though I'd like to...