Wednesday, November 5, 2008

according to plan...

( I have that song stuck in my head. :P)

I've figured out my schedule for next semester!! Now, as long as everything works out during registration (no classes fill up before I'm allowed to sign up), I'll be all set! Oooh, and I found out that I'm registering as a sophomore next semester, which is awesome. :) I've got to share my hopeful schedule with someone, so you're the lucky ones.

1:25-2:15 Chinese lecture
2:30-3:20 Chinese discussion

8:45-10 Meteorology lecture (in St. Paul! $%#&!)
10:15-11:30 Meteorology lab
12:45-2 "The Fantastic in East Asia: Ghosts, Foxes, and the Alien" (ahahaha!)
2:30-3:20 Chinese discussion

1:25-2:15 Chinese lecture
2:30-3:20 Chinese discussion
6:20-9:30 Understanding Cultures (on the West bank... not cool...)

8:45-10 Meteorology lecture
12:45-2 Fantastic in East Asia
2:30-3:20 Chinese discussion
3:35-6 Fantastic in East Asia - film showings

2:30-3:20 Chinese discussion

what's up!! what d'you think?

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