Monday, December 8, 2008

Being Bold

So I friended this girl from my choir on facebook. She seems really nice and actually possibly intelligent. I really don't know how to non-creepily turn a nice seeming person from an acquaintance to a friend, but I will figure it out. But either way I am proud of myself for at least taking a same first step. The more of those I manage to do the more friends I'll have right? I just need to make a couple friends in each of my classes next semester and then it will be okay. Cause if you add those to the kind of friends I have already, maybe that will be enough. I hope.


simone said...

I totally am wondering how to do the same thing (acquaintance transition to friend). :)

Katie said...

Let me know if either of you figure it out. There are people I talk to, and see sometimes, really much more than that. Who seem like they could be decent friends.

Gah, college.

simone said...

ahahaha... At least no one knows how to do this. Though it'd be even better if everyone did.

Jonathan Canny said...

Winter break assignment for you girls: Read the Hagakure.

Especially: " A samurai makes a decision in the space of seven breaths."